Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Madison WI Choking Game Presentation

Wisconsin - Choking Game Seminar

When: Fri, February 27, 1pm – 3pm

: Madison Memorial High School 201 S. Gammon Rd. Madison, WI 53717 (map)

Description: "Dangers of The Choking Game" Presentation

Audience: School Security Staff

Speaker: Off. Leslie Fox Dane
County Sheriff’s Office 608-833-9560

Friday, February 20, 2009

"Wear your Awareness" T-shirts Choking Game Victim's (preliminary)

Updated 02/20/09 2:44 PM EST

To be reviewed by all parents:
Here's is the rough draft list of Choking Game victim's names to be listed on the back of the Choking Game Awareness T-shirts. If your loved one is not listed here it is because we have not yet received permission from the family. Please email us permission asap to be included in the Choking Game Awareness T-shirts. Thank you to all of you who are sharing you loved one with the world, literally, all for the sake of raising awareness.

Dylan A. Blake
Austin Gillentine-Bruckner
Elijah Cole
Cody Cochran
Xavier Dazo
Jack Doyle
Braden Erickson
Jeffrey Espey
Connor E. Galloway
Michael Galvan
Tyler Blake Garrett
Ellis Tyler Gundel-Goodson
Eric Grove
Dustin Harris
Andrew Garrett Hilliard
David Cody Hudson
Zach Hughes
Cody Williard -Joblonski
Harley Ray Jones

Dalton Knauss
Jason Isaac Linkins
Spencer Lively
Nathan William Manz
Kristian Marceno
Sammii Marquez
Uriah Martin
Leo Louis McPhee
Coty Mills
Marc Anthony Morales
Jenny Morgan
Coleman Noia
Evan O'Connor
Jeffrey D. Patton
Jeffrey Peak

Colin Russell
Anthony Sankovic
Justin Serrano
Mary Margaret Sipple
Josh Sowells
Jordan Sparvier
Randy Stahl II
Stephen Stefkovich
Sean Padraic Sullivan
Aurianna Taylor
Matthew Vander Stel
Chris Furf Wilson
Kimber Wilson
Cayden Wince (-Prior)*
Yannick Whitehead

If you find any corrections or omissions please contact us ASAP, thanks!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Last Day for Victim Name additions to T-shirts

ATTN: Families who've lost someone to the Choking Game

Friday, Feb 20th 2009 @ 5 PM is the deadline to submit your child's name to be added to the Awareness T-Shirts

Choking Game Victim's names on the Awareness T-shirts

Names will be listed on the Awareness T-Shirts only if we receive permission from the family.
We will always ask for permission to place your child's name on any awareness material, they are your children after all :)

If you want, you can email a blanket permission to be used for all future materials.

email permission to : Events@TheDBFoundation.com

Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Choking Game Parents - reminder Friday deadline

Choking Game Victim's names on the
Awareness T-shirts

Names will be listed on the Awareness T-Shirts only if we receive permission from the family.
We will always ask for permission to place your child's name on any awareness material, they are your children after all :)

If you want, you can email a blanket permission to be used for all future materials.

email permission to : Events@TheDBFoundation.com

Thanks everyone!

Monday, February 9, 2009

T-Shirts! Get your T-Shirt!

Just in time for summer!

Never a 'game' T-Shirts

Choking is NEVER a 'game'. (front)

On the back "We are raising awareness and providing education in memory of every child killed by this 'game'. "followed by victims listed by name

Available is sizes: S, M, L, XL and XXL starting on March 1st 2009 - preorders being taken now!

To Order: Visit ChokingGame.net/ Raise Awareness

or copy and paste this : http://www.chokinggame.net/communitytools.html

Parents of victims: If you wish to have your child's name added to the back, please email Events@TheDBFoundation with the name as you wish it to be seen on the shirt.

Choking Game Seminar Tues Feb. 10 2009 in N. Carolina and Prt Arthur Tx.

Texas Seminar - Choking Game
When Tue, February 10, 6pm – 8pm
Where The Wheatly School, 1100 Jefferson Dr. Port Arthur TX. 77642 (map)

Port Arthur Independent School District Location: Dangers of the Choking Game
Presentation by Off. Cliff O'Quinn Parents and staff are welcome - 100 attendees are expected

North Carolina - Seminar Choking Game
When: Tue, February 10, 7pm – 8pm
Where: Enloe High School, Raleigh,NC (map)

"The Choking Game and other Risky Teen Behaviors" Enloe High School PTSA Meeting (open to parents and students)

Speaker: Dale and Michele Galloway

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Deerfield Wisconsin Choking Game Presentation Feb 2, 2009

ATTN Wisconsin

Deerfield and surrounding area residents:

A Dangers of the Choking Game Presentation is coming to your area!

Monday Feb 2, 2009 @ 3 pm

Deerfield High School
300 Simonson Blvd. Deerfield, WI 53531
Audience: Teachers and Parents

Speaker: Dane County Sheriff’s Office

If you need more information contact Leslie Fox with the Dane County Sheriff's Dept or contact Events at The DB Foundation.