Sunday, January 24, 2010


We are in the process of compiling Choking Game data for YE 2009 and need all victim surveys completed in order to do so.

For parents of fatal victims of The Choking Game, you will need to update a registration form if:
You registered your loved one prior to **November 2009 or
If you have not completed an initial registra...tion or
If there are any changes (i.e. Death Certificate Amendments, Friends Knowledge, etc)

complete your registration as soon as possible so that we can maintain
accurate and complete data. You can also add a photo and short bio by using this form.
**Note: This survey is new as of November 2009

Link to the Survey:

Injury Victims Please Complete This Registration Survey:

Thank you for sharing your child, together we are making a difference and saving lives.

Kate Leonardi & The DB Foundation crew